Assignment on Developing Personal and Professional Skills

Developing Personal and Professional Skills

1. Understand how self-managed learning can enhance lifelong development

1.a) Explain what is meant by self-management learning. Discuss the benefits of self-managed learning to individuals as well as organisations. Discuss ways in which lifelong learning can take place both personally and professionally.
Self management learning: Ian Cunningham introduced the term SML in late 70’s. He defined SML as “…idealized adult action learning”, Self-managed learning is a technique by which a group or person gain knowledge of things by finding diverse ways.  In the living society or in diversified working environment a person or group can find the ways where they used to live or work. SML also used for defining the goals for the learning.
For evaluation of the motives for learning and approaches to achieve such goals it helps. Self management learning enables a learner to be more aware of how to gain key goals using live work issues.

The benefits of self-managed learning to individuals as well as organizations-
Self management learning has benefits for both organizations and individuals. For an individual it helps to develop skills of team work. Working in a team or organization an individual gains diverse kinds of knowledge. In his professional and personal life those knowledge help him greatly. To improve a person’s presentation skills it also comes to help to share his knowledge with other people. To correct an individual’s mistakes SML also helps because with help of it he can analyze his mistakes and as a result he able to make appropriate decision. For improving a person’s oral and written communication skill SML also helps. For learning new things it also helps a person. It gives learner a larger liberty of choice.
It is useful for organizations. To discover motivated, confident person it aids an organization. It helps minimizing the matter of transfer of learning in an organization. SML is also compatible with conventional training programs. Minimal expense is needed to implement it. SML can be carried out regularly as a basic component of everyday’s working activity. It makes more responsibility on the individuals to empower themselves and take the initiative in planning their own personal development. 

Ways in which lifelong learning can take place both personally and professionally-

Lifelong learning can take place by different ways. It can be take place-
- By reading books, articles, journals etc.
- By writing journal, dairy
- By reading blogs and writing blogs
-By participating in online events.
- By browsing internet.
-By individual research or group research.
- By facing different societies, cutlers in life.
- By consulting with experienced persons and experts.
- By working in different working environment.
- By conferring and debating in an inmate workshop with others about different ideas and views.
- By attending in seminar and conference about personal and professional knowledge.
-By reading groups
- By using diverse software, programs, etc.

1.b) Briefly explain Honey and Mumford learning styles.
A learning style is developed by Peter Honey and Alan Mumford in 1982. It is based on Kolb’s work. Four learning styles are identified by them. Those styles are discussed briefly in below-

v  Activist (from doing) - They learn by doing. They enjoy challenging and new activities. They always try to keep them active with work. To move toward in learning they are open-minded. They engage themselves wholly and without bias in new experiences.

v  Pragmatist (from planning) - They try see- in the real world how to put their learning. They try to apply new ideas, methods to see whether those work or not.

v  Reflector (from reviewing) - By examining and thinking about past events they try to learn. They unlike to leap in and before starting to work they prefer to look in the experiences, gather information and take time to reach any end.

v  Theorist (from concluding) - To understand the theories behind actions is their preference. They use models, facts and concepts to employ in the learning process. They attempt to develop orderly and logical 'theory' by analyzing and synthesizing latest data.

1.c) Based on Honey and Mumford learning styles, identify, with justification your preferred learning style.
Activists are preferable to me in Honey and Mumford learning styles, because activists involve themselves fully and without bias in latest experiences. By facing new and instant experiences activists become happy. For being open-minded they are enthusiastic about something new. They are not doubtful. They have tendency to act first prior to consider consequences. Their days are packed with actions. By brainstorming they deal with troubles. Because of their enthusiasm they always search for new activity immediately one doings has finished. To accept challenges of new experiences they are always prepared. For the opportunity to work with others or as team it is also preferable to me. Here people are not controlled by policies and guidelines which make it flexible. Here is option to carry out the problems ‘head-on’. Despite of some weakness it is more preferable than other three, so it my preferred learning style.

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2.Be able to take responsibility for own personal and professional development

2.a)  Carry out a Personal SWOT analysis in order to identify your key strengths (qualities and skills), weaknesses, opportunities and threats.
To identify the strengths, weakness, opportunities and threats of a person SWOT analysis is used. Though SWOT analysis I have identified strength, weakness, opportunities and threats of mine. I have listed them as below-

My strengths are- I am ambitious, articulate and strong follow-through. My technical skills, learning skills are good. I have balanced work-life perspective. My communication skills, writing skills, analytical skills are also good. I have the ability to work under pressure. I am honest and hard-working.
My weaknesses are- My working experiences are low as well as specific job knowledge. I can be impatience. I don’t handle multiple instantaneously competing demands well. Some time stress caused by time pressure. I am also emotional. Lack of management skill is another great weakness of mine.
My opportunities are- I have the opportunity to engage with experience person to get feedback. I also have great field of job and to earn money.
My threats are- Lacking of money is my main threat. Time pressure and competency in job field are also threat for me. Fitting into company culture is also a threat for me.

2.b) Conduct a Skills audit to determine your key skills and identify your skills gap.

A process by which skills of an individual or group are measured and recorded is known as skill audit.
My personal skill audit-

Skill area
Skill level
Skill gap
Time management
I can manage time effectively and able to finish tasks within deadline.
Time pressure causes stress
Written communication
My written communication skill is not bad. Most of time it is successful.
Need to make it more effective.
Verbal communication
My verbal communication skill is effective

I can work, plan, negotiate and respect others to reach our goal effectively.
Sometimes I face problem when working with other.    
Problem solving
I can identify the key feature of problems. I can identify the solutions, options. I think creatively think about problem and plan and implement proper course of action.

I can lead a team. I use different methods and approaches to reach team goals.

presentation skill
I can present my learning in front of people
Sometimes my presentation are ineffective
IT skills
My IT skills are good. I can use different IT packages like word, excel and access. I can use IT knowledge effectively.
Sometimes face problem with using excel.
Information skills
My information skills are good. I can find sources of information quickly. I evaluate and adapt strategies to handle and understand information.

 I need less supervision from my teachers and mentors to learn and handle my duties because I can do them with minimum effort.

2.c) Based on your personal SWOT analysis and Skill Audit, critically evaluate how you may use your key strengths in your current or future job. Discuss how your weaknesses may prevent you from achieving your goals and how you would address these.
Since I am ambitious and strong follow-through I will do my job anyhow. My articulate nature will help me to convince other people in my work place. My honesty and hard-working attribute will make me reliable and trustworthy in my working place. My analytical skill will help me to finish my job accurately. My technical and IT skill will help me to done my job orderly and systematically; it will also help me in technical side of my job. My leadership skill, management skill and team work skill will help me to become manager in my working place. To understand learn my future job my information and learning skills will help me. My problem solving skill will help me to solve problems in my future job.
Short of experience may create problem to thrive in my future job. My impatience nature may hinder my future career’s progress. For my emotional nature people may try to make me emotionally hijacked. Not to cope with time pressure may do my future job vulnerable. Lack of managerial skill will be main barrier for me to become manager in my future job. For lack of money I may not able to further academic study and proper training for my future job. Not to fit in company culture will make future job uncomfortable. For my low presentation skill I may not able to draw attraction of my superior in my job and I also may not present my knowledge in front of people. Facing problem in working with other will make team disappointed in my future job.
To deal with my weakness I will need to take various training and activities which are realistic and job related. I will also need to consult with expert to know how to abate my weakness. To gain experience I will need to work hard and involve myself in work related activities or part time jobs.

3) Be able to implement and continually review own personal and professional development

3.a) Briefly explain your personal and career plans. Identify and list the key skills required for your chosen career or educational goals.
I want to work at any company in administrative position. I have planned to become HRM manager in a company within 10 years. Less managerial skill, time pressure and less experience are main obstacle for my future career. I also have a plan to improve myself within this year. I have list of people and resources who can help me to reach my goal by giving proper advice and support.
I always prefer my family. I want to give enough time to my family as well as support them. Leading a comfortable life is my preference. I will try to verify promise to long term relationship.
Some of skills are required for my future career. Some of them are listed below-
Ø  Excellent managerial skill
Ø  Good teamwork skill
Ø  Capability to work under pressure
Ø  Good IT and technical skill
Ø  Good Time management s
Ø  Good Leadership skill
Ø  Better communication skill
Ø  Good communication skill.

3.b) Set SMART objectives to reflect your personal and professional development based on the needs identified in Task 2.
For a person it is important to have clear idea about what he wants to achieve and when he want to achieve those. So a person’s goals should be– Specific – Measurable – Achievable/Attainable – Realistic - Time-bound/Targeted (SMART).
I have tried to set my SMART objectives and I am going to describe them as below-
ü  I will be a HRM manager of a company within 12 years.
ü  I will accomplish my goal by working in a company at administrative position to gather experience and this will help me to reach my goal.
ü  By increasing my managerial skills, time management skill, and teamwork skill as well as improving presentation skill I will reach my goal. I will control my emotions to reach my goals.
ü  Establishing me as an administrative officer or HRM officer with 10+ years experience will help me to reach me as HRM manager of any company.
ü  I will be an assistant HRM manager in 2016.

3.c) Construct a Personal Development Plan to address your existing skills gaps and develop the skills needed to meet your future career aspirations. Provide evidence of achievement where possible.

Present Skill Gaps
Action need
skills needed to meet your future career aspirations

·        Management skill
·        Leadership skill
·        Problem solving skill
·        Teamwork skill
·        Time management skill
·        Communication skill
·        Information skill
·        Technical skill
Writing skill is less effective than expected
Need more practice and training from experts.
Presentation skill is less effective than expected  
Need proper training, guidelines and practice and get feedback.
Feel  stressed when face time pressure
Attending time management course to utilize time properly.
In teamwork skill I have some deficiency. 
Need to consult with experts and get used to work as a team
In IT skill my excel knowledge has some lacking  
Conduct excel training and practicing

3.d) Critically reflect on your own learning against the aims and objectives set out in your personal development plan. Review and update your development plan.

Development actions
Target Date
To improve presentation skill
Attend in presentation skill courses, participate in presentation and get feedback, perform presentation to council and get feedback.
To improve writing skill
Practice more and consult with experts to make written communication more effective.
To improve Excel using efficiency
Attend excel courses at IT services, watch video tutorial and use excel in different assignment
To improve teamwork skill
Help project leader, assist other members and consult to make it effective
To improve time management skill
Practice to finish the work in time, attend different training program
To improve management skill
Attend training programs and MBA program
To gain experience
Join in a company in administrative post and work for few years

4. Be able to demonstrate acquired interpersonal and transferable skills

Star-Tel is a busy 3 Star London hotel serving both business customer and holiday-makers. The hotel recently received several emails from guest expressing that they were unhappy with the length of time it takes to check in and out of the hotel. In addition, guest felt that the level of service at the reception was generally low. One customer stated that he waited 15 minutes before a member of staff dealt with him. During that time, of the two members of staff present, one dealt with a telephone booking, while another was obviously ‘gossiping’ with friends on her mobile. Another customer complained that the staffs seem to have difficulty processing her payment via credit card; in fact she was worried that she might be charged several times for the same booking. As the Front of Office Supervisor, you have been asked to investigate the matter and propose ways in which the issues raised can be addressed. Your investigation revealed the reception staff had to deal with email and telephone bookings as well as handling check-ins and check-outs. The reception was currently under-staffed as one member of staff was on holiday and another was off sick due to a recent accident.

4.a) Write a memo to your manager briefly explain the findings of your investigation. Suggest ways to deal with the issues identified. Your recommendation should including a strategy for effective time management.

To: William Frank, Manager
From:………….., Office Supervisor
Date: 1/3/2014
Subject: Official investigation on customer complains

Mr. Frank,

Many customers have complained about our service and I am asked to investigate about those. Customers check-in check-out procedures, they also complain about reception service. They are unsatisfied by the behavior of the staffs. Though my investigation I have found some cause of those complains. First we are under-staffed in reception as a result of absence of one due to vacation and another staff is absent due to his injury from recent accident. Absence of those staffs has created lots of pressure on the present staffs because they have to deal with email and telephone bookings plus handling check-ins and check-outs. Some inexpert staffs have to work in the position of other’s in which they have very little experience.

Our customer will be dissatisfied if we don’t take correct action. Now appointment of few extra staffs on temporary or permanent basis is become important for our hotel. It also becomes important to train our staffs to done their work quickly and correctly. Making check-out procedure quicker also recommended. Every staffs on the reception must able to process credit card effectively; for this we should train them. In working time stuff must be more serious in work than being busy with personal matter; for this we must warn them.

It is obvious that people working efficiency become low when they work under lots of pressure. A well trained staff is capable of controlling stressed situation than less trained or untrained staffs. It also seen that if a company have sufficient staffs comparing to workload, they face less problem than who haven’t sufficient staffs. A company becomes more successful which staffs are more serious at their work and they don’t waste time in personal matter.  If lots of time take in check-in and check-out procedure, customers become annoyed and bored.

For the betterment of our company I request you to think about my suggestion. If any point seem  wrong to you please notify me.

Office Supervisor
Star-Tel Hotel

4. b) After discussing the issue, your manager asked you to email the customers an apology and offer them a 25% discount on their next booking

Subject: Apologizing for facing problem in our hotel.

Dear Customer,

We are really felling happy that you have contacted with us through email.

We are really sorry that you have faced problem in our hotel. You know our hotel is one of best 3 star hotels in London. So it is very unusual that any customer face problem in processing payment via credit card. But we admit that during your time we had some difficulty because at that time we were under-staffed. Some of our staffs were in holiday and some of were wounded by accident. As a result we had to put an inexpert staff in payment processing section. Please forgive us for that inconvenience which you had faced.

However, on the next booking we are offering you 25% discount. We guarantee in this time you will not face any problem.

Feel free if you have any questions .

With best regards  
Office Supervisor
Star-Tel Hotel

Honey, P. and Mumford, A. (1992). The manual of learning styles: Revised version. Maidenhead: Peter Honey,_Principles_and_Practices/Honey_and_Mumford%E2%80%99s_Learning_Cycle

Learning Styles Questionnaire
by Honey & Mumford
1 I like to be absolutely correct about things.
2 I quite like to take risks.
3 I prefer to solve problems using a step by step approach rather than guessing.
4 I prefer simple, straightforward things rather than something complicated.
5 I often do things just because I feel like it rather than thinking about it first.
6 I don't often take things for granted. I like to check things out for myself.
7 What matters most about what you learn is whether it works in practice.
8 I actively seek out new things to do.
9 When I hear about a new idea I immediately start working out how I can try it out.
10 I am quite keen on sticking to fixed routines, keeping to timetables, etc.
11 I take great care in working things out. I don't like jumping to conclusions.
12 I like to make decisions very carefully and preferably after weighing up all the other
possibilities first.
13 I don't like 'loose ends', I prefer to see things fit into some sort of pattern.
14 In discussions I like to get straight to the point.
15 I like the challenge of trying something new and different.
16 I prefer to think things through before coming to a conclusion.
17 I find it difficult to come up with wild ideas off the top of my head.
18 I prefer to have as many bits of information about a subject as possible, the more
I have to sift through the better.
19 I prefer to jump in and do things as they come along rather than plan things out
in advance.
20 I tend to judge other people's ideas on how they work in practice.
21 I don't think that you can make a decision just because something feels right. You have to
think about all the facts.
22 I am rather fussy about how I do things - a bit of a perfectionist.
23 In discussions I usually pitch in with lots of ideas.
24 In discussions I put forward ideas that I know will work.
25 I prefer to look at problems from as many different angles as I can before starting on them.
26 Usually I talk more than I listen.
27 Quite often I can work out more practical ways of doing things.
28 I believe that careful logical thinking is the key to getting things done.
29 If I have to write a formal letter I prefer to try out several rough workings before writing
out the final version.
30 I like to consider all the alternatives before making my mind up.
31 I don't like wild ideas. They are not very practical.
32 It is best to look before you leap.
33 I usually do more listening than talking.
34 It doesn't matter how you do something, as long as it works.
35 I can't be bothered with rules and plans, they take all the fun out of things.
36 I'm usually the 'life and soul' of the party.
37 I do whatever I need to do, to get the job done.
38 I like to find out how things work.
39 I like meetings or discussion to follow a proper pattern and to keep to a timetable.

  • 40 I don't mind in the least if things get a bit out of hand.

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