Human resource development is the framework to develop human resource within an organization. It develops both organization and individual to gain performance improvement. Adam Smith states, “The capacities of individuals depended on their access to education”. This is true for an organization as well but it needs to cover boarder area.
HRD consists of career development, organization and training to get better organizational, group and individual effectiveness. It helps to develop key competencies which enable a person to perform present and future tasks through planned learning activities. HRD helps to initiate and mange change and it matches organizational and individual needs. It upgrades and develops human capital. It is a way to unleash and develop human expertise by personal training and organizational development to improve performance. It brings qualitative changes in human capital on the basis of corporate and organizational objectives [1].
HRD consists of career development, organization and training to get better organizational, group and individual effectiveness. It helps to develop key competencies which enable a person to perform present and future tasks through planned learning activities. HRD helps to initiate and mange change and it matches organizational and individual needs. It upgrades and develops human capital. It is a way to unleash and develop human expertise by personal training and organizational development to improve performance. It brings qualitative changes in human capital on the basis of corporate and organizational objectives [1].
2. Understand the role of human resource development within organizations:
2.1 Compare and contrast 3 pioneer definitions of the term ‘human resource development’ (HRD)
The first definition of HRD was offered by Harbison and Myers (1964) as
“…the process of increasing the knowledge, the skills and the capacities of all the people in a society. In economic terms, it could be described as the accumulation of human capital and its effective investment in the development of an economy. In political terms, HRD prepares people for adult participation in the political process, particularly as citizens in a democracy. From the social and cultural points of view, the development of human resources helps people lead fuller and richer lives, less bound to tradition. In short, the processes of HRD unlock the door to modernization”.
However, this definition is very broad in perspective, as it defines HRD in relation to culture, the economy and social and political contexts rather than individuals and organizations. Hence, Nadler and Nadler (1970) defined HRD as
“…a series of organised activities conducted within a specified time and designed to produce behavioural change” and
The latest definition is that HRD is
“a set of systematic and planned activities designed by an organisation to provide its members with the opportunities to learn necessary skills to meet current and future job demands. [2]”
2.2 Assess the need for human resource development in organizations
Human resource development is very essential for the development of human capital and organization itself. It helps to practice HRD activities within the organization. The main purpose of HRD is learning and performance perspective, both assistance the shareholders and individuals. It provides the ethics of HRD, social and economic benefits. HRD program consist of learning, development and training for individual within organization to attain organizational goals and objectives. It increases personal performance and productivity and organizational effectiveness. Technology is changing very rapidly all over the word and HRD helps to adapt this technology by providing sufficient training among the staffs in the organization. The key functions of HRD are performance improvement, career development, organizational development and individual development. Most of the scholars mention that HRD is very essential for individual and organizational development. [2].
Most of the Iceland shops in the UK have old system of payment but now they want to set up self-checkout. Most of the employees are aged people and they are little bit slowly in their activities. For getting competitive market they have to improve their present condition. For that reason the management wants to train up their employees for organizational, individual, career, system and performance development.
2.3 Evaluate the internal and external barriers to Learning and Development
There are a lot of internal and external barriers to learning and development like barrier within the learner himself, within the learning process, within the learning system and within the political, economic and social context. Some barriers are permanent and some are temporary. Barriers within the learning process or system and learners are visible when learners exit the learning course or system. For preventing barrier, effective monitoring and discussing about learner’s needs and requirement are very essential.
There are some internal and external barriers to learning and development. And those are:
- Socio-economic barrier
· Lack of access of basic services
· Poverty and under-development
· Factors which place learners at risk
- Attitudes
- Inflexible curriculum
- Language and communication
- Inaccessible and unsafe built environment
- Inappropriate and inadequate provision of support services
- Lack of enabling and protective legislation and policy
- Lack of parental recognition and involvement
- Disability
- Lack of human resource development strategies
3. Be able to critically analyze learning and development theory
3.1 Evaluate learning and development theories
Weinberger mentioned that HRS or L&D is underpinned by the disciplines of philosophy, system theories, psychology and economics. He also argued that L&D may be added political science, anthropology and sociology and it will be combination of organizational development and organizational behaviour. Lynham mentioned that L&D is a process of producing, validating, and cultivating rational descriptions, explanations and representation of experimental or pragmatic phenomena which results in: increasing knowledge of how something operates and outcome knowledge in the form of explanative and extrapolative knowledge. Torraco mentioned that L&D is the quantitative approach of case study method, social constructionist approaches, meta-analysis and grounded theory. The outcome knowledge should be rigour and relevance [3].
3.2 Evaluate the concepts of Personal and Organization Development
It is really expensive to recruit, select, orient and train new employees in the case of leaving of experience employees. Normally it was found that this cost is almost 1.5 times higher than the salary of empty position. Employee turnover has a great impact on organizational turnover and overall efficiency of an organization depends on it. The efficiency of service oriented organization severely depends of employee turnover. For improving employee turnover most of the organizations arrange Career Development Programs. This kind of programs helps employees to focus on their own goals constantly and contribute in the organizational production. Normally this kind of programs retains huge number of workers. Every workers and employees want to go higher position and they want to lead. For doing high performance they need to improve themselves first. So organizations arrange regular career development programs to improve employee’s performance. It is beneficial for organization and employees. If employees output increase it is sure organizational output will also increase. Career development means employees are giving their best to the organization to attain organizational goals. Career development consists of vertical and horizontal movement where vertical movements are upward mobility and promotions and horizontal movement is lateral job transfers. If employees become satisfied regarding their job, they want to give their full potential to increase the reputation of the organization. Employee satisfaction depends on several factors and employers are responsible to provide those opportunities to the employees. Various career developments training increase organizational loyalty among employees, ultimate result is higher job satisfaction, higher turnover and less employee complains [4].
3.3 Identify and explain factors influencing demand in the tourist destination area.
Tourism industry is flourishing day by day and every country of the world try to attract more tourists to their countries. Some factors influence tourist and those are illustrating below:
• Economy
• Politics
• Crisis and threats
• Demographic Change
• Technology
Holiday demand is driven by needs, motives, and expectations; its realization depends on the individual economic situation and the freedom to travel. Some factors are external and some are internal. Ability of travel depends on fitness, money, time, freedom. External factors may have an impact on tourism demand by affecting the ability to travel and the motivation to do so. Consumer Behaviour is not a reaction on a single factor but on the whole set of influencing external factors. In addition it is driven by internal factors. Thus, the impact of a change in a single external factor is limited. Most of the external factors seem to be in favour for a sound development of tourism demand in Europe in the years to come. However, there are no signs for a general boom.
3.4 Review theories and models relevant to tourist motivation.
Tourist motivation can be defined "as the global integrating network of biological and cultural forces which gives value and direction to travel choices, behaviour and experience". (Pearce, Morrison & Rutledge, 1998) as cited by Allan R. Rhodes Espinoza. According to Seaton (1997) “motivation is a state of arousal of a drive or need which impels people to activity in pursuit of goals. Once the goals have been achieved the need subsides and the individual returns to the equilibrium-but only briefly because new motives arise as the last one is satisfied”. Krippendorf (1987), as cited in Seaton (1997) suggests that “the motivation of the individual person to travel, to look outside for what he cannot find inside have been largely created by society and shaped by everyday life. People who live in cities, for example, are motivated to travel as tourists to wilderness areas because they need to escape from an artificial, monotonous environment”. Gray’s travel-motivation theory give two motives regarding why people go for travelling. First of all people always like to visit some unknown places and secondly they want to visit such places where they find extra facilities which is not available his living place. Some other motivation factors are shopping, cultural interest, new experience, pleasure and recreation [5].
4. Understand the organizational factors that influence learning and development.
4.1 Analyze the influence of organization leadership and culture on learning and development
Schein described the momentous roles of leadership in the creation and management of organizational culture throughout organizational growth; early stage, middle and maturity stage and later terminating stage. Leaders play a vital role in the foundation stage where he decide organization goals and solve external and internal problems. Leaders have the quality to lead and have enough self-confidence and determination. Leaders have strong imaginary power to predict something before anything happens in the organization. When leader’s prediction becomes correct and successful, it becomes the culture of an organization. For strengthening the organizational culture leader hire others people from other organization that have strong imaginary power. If some employees don’t like organizational culture they leave the jobs and create a homogenous climate in the workplace. Schein (1992) mentioned there are two types of methods are being used to integrate leader’s opinion in the organizational culture. Normally top managements are the decision makers and the others follow them. They show the way to develop themselves and the organization and new things. If everybody work together it is easy to reach organization goals.
4.2 Critically analyze the impact of an organization’s environment on human resource development
The internal environment of an organization is consists of corporate culture, current employees and management. Few factors affect organization and few factors affect only the manager. Manager’s philosophy and leadership style have impact on workers. Normally managers give directions to the workers while progressive managers give importance on employee’s decisions. If the internal and external environment changes human resource development will be change according to those changes. A rapidly changing economic environment, characterized by such phenomena as the globalization and deregulation of markets, changing customer and investor demands, and even increasing product-market competition, has become the norm for most organization. The activities of HRD depend on the organizational environment. If all the members are motivated enough and skilled then need less development activities. If all the members are not motivated then the organization doesn’t need any kind of motivation but if few of them are motivated then need to motivate others. Top label management can change the scenario if they want according to the situation demand.
4.3 Critically analyze the impact of organization strategy on human resource development.
Organizational strategy has an immense impact on human resource development. Various companies have various strategies on human resource development. Some companies have short time or mid time or long time strategies according to the company size and operation. HRD support business objectives. Suppose if there are lot of employees in an organization and they are not that much skilled. The output of the organization is relatively low. On the other hand another company has same employees like the previous one but maximum of the employees are skilled and the output are relatively high. So for getting competitiveness it is really mandatory to develop employees. Companies must provide proper training among the employees. If employees become skilled it is relatively easy to attain organizational goals. Company will provide training and education to the employees to face future challenges and accept the opportunities in modern business environment. Many organizations use various tools to train up their employees, they have different distinguish tactics. Some may offer structural training, laboratory training and classroom education and training. Companies decide their strategy on basis of present and future market demand, customer demand and perspectives [6].
5. Know how to develop an effective performance management program.
5.1 Analyze the nature of a performance management program and assess the links with learning and development
Performance management is a systematic process where a manager does it to measure employee’s performance in accordance to the organizational goals, mission and vision.
Performance management requires that the manager:
- Identify the job duties that each employee is expected to accomplish.
- Communicate the competencies (job knowledge and job skills) necessary to be successful in a position.
- Ensure that employees have the required competencies, or that there is a process and plan by which they can acquire them.
- Provide timely feedback on how effectively employees are applying job knowledge and skills to achieve the goals established for their position.
- Reward effective performance.
If any event does not able to improve employee performance, the manager corrects the events and arranges another suitable event. A manage supervises professional staffs and classify stuffs according to performance. Every employee has latest job description and they will review their job description at regular basis and identify their lacking and informed manager about those problems. Manager will take proper steps to overcome those problems by providing proper training and education. Manager must measure the performance of the employees and employees must have knowledge to understand managers rating.
5.2 Apply effective performance measures in two different practical situations from organizations
Performance measurement differs on various situation and purpose. It can be used to improve personal performance or organizational performance. Performance measurement measures the performance and decides who the best performer is and he will the ideal employees to follow. It may improve organizational performance. For an example, a McDonald unit has some operational problem and no one knows which that unit is. After the announcement, all the McDonald units operating very safely and properly which help to improve the organizational performance. It intensifies the pseudo-competition, for example, where purchasers in health care buy care from providers on the basis of measures of performance. It may also be used to improve accountability in the public sector (for example, to highlight ‘failing schools’). It can be used as part of a resource allocation system, for example to enable central government to allocate funds to service providers such as local government agencies. In the use made of performance management in the UK public sector we can see elements of all these aims, but they are often not clearly separately identified and the same tools may be used for different purposes.
5.3 Critically evaluate a range of motivation theories
Motivational theories help to motivate employees to increase employees and organizational performance and to increase employee’s satisfaction. There are many motivational theories among them process theories, McClellan theories, Maslow theories, Herzberg two factor theories, Aldefer theories, valance instrumentality expectancy theory are very much well known and popular. Process theory discuss about the decision making portion in the work place. According to the David McClelland, successful managers make the working environment very favorable, set attainable goals, calculate risks, reward their employees and provide proper feedback to their employees. Successful managers get good respect from their followers. Maslow mentioned that job satisfaction through motivation is a hierarchy of needs. He categorized needs according to the importance and if one need meet employees will go for the next levels. Alderfer agreed with Maslow’s theories but he mentioned there is no hierarchy. In Herzberg two factor theories there are two factors which are responsible for job satisfaction and dissatisfaction. Job satisfaction factors are known as motivational factors and job dissatisfaction factors are known as Hygiene factors. According to the valence Instrumentality expectancy theory, employees give their full effort when they know they will get reward for their hard work. There are some other theories like goal theory and equity theory.
6. Understand the importance of Human Resource Development
6.1 Evaluate the growing recognition of the importance of human resource development in enhancing organization performance.
The Human Resource Department deals with management of people within the organisation. There are a number of responsibilities that come with this title. First of all, the Department is responsible for hiring members of staff; this will involve attracting employees, keeping them in their positions and ensuring that they perform to expectation. Besides, the Human Resource Department also clarifies and sets day to day goals for the organisation. It is responsible for organisation of people in the entire Company and plans for future ventures and objectives involving people in the Company. (Handy, 1999)
Research has shown that the human aspect of resources within an organisation contributes approximately eighty percent of the organisation’s value. This implies that if people are not managed properly, the organisation faces a serious chance of falling apart. The Human Resource Department’s main objective is to bring out the best in their employees and thus contribute to the success of the Company. One of the major functions of the HR department is to motivate employees. This can be done through rewards especially for those who have done well. The HR department needs to evaluate performance of employees and those who have exceeded expectations should be compensated for their actions. Research has shown that rewarding employees for good performance is the number one incentive for keeping up this trend. These compensation packages can come in the following ways;
- Holiday Offers
- End of Year Bonuses
- Equities
- Awards
- Salary Increments
- Provision of Flexible Working Hours
- Straight forward Promotion Schemes and Career Developments
- End of Year Bonuses
- Equities
- Awards
- Salary Increments
- Provision of Flexible Working Hours
- Straight forward Promotion Schemes and Career Developments
6.2 Demonstrate an understanding of processes relating to human resource development
The function of Human Resources departments is generally administrative and common to all organizations. Organizations may have formalized selection, evaluation, and payroll processes. Efficient and effective management of "Human Capital" progressed to an increasingly imperative and complex process. The HR function consists of tracking existing employee data which traditionally includes personal histories, skills, capabilities, accomplishments and salary. To reduce the manual workload of these administrative activities, organizations began to electronically automate many of these processes by introducing specialized Human Resource Management Systems. HR executives rely on internal or external IT professionals to develop and maintain an integrated HRMS. Before the client–server architecture evolved in the late 1980s, many HR automation processes were relegated to mainframe computers that could handle large amounts of data transactions. In consequence of the high capital investment necessary to buy or program proprietary software, these internally developed HRMS were limited to organizations that possessed a large amount of capital. The advent of client–server, Application Service Provider, and Software as a Service SaaS or Human Resource Development process enabled increasingly higher administrative control of such systems. Currently Human Resource Development process encompasses:
1. Payroll
2. Time and Attendance
3. Appraisal performance
4. Benefits Administration
5. HR management Information system
6. Recruiting/Learning Management Training System
7. Performance Record
8. Employee Self-Service
9. Scheduling
10. Absence Management [8]
7. Understand the purposes, relevance and value of specific management development initiatives and programs.
7.1 Assess the importance of management development to organization performance
Management techniques are very important for an organization as it changes with external and internal environment of an organization to improve organizational performance. Development of management is very important aspect of management. Management development means a process where it develop, train, educate workers, supervisors and managers. Many organizations invest money on management development, training and education. The main purpose of management development is to promote someone from their own work place for any sudden vacant position. It is better to promote someone from own organization rather than hiring someone from other organization. If company promotes someone from its own workplace the person becomes very loyal to the organization and gives his full effort and becomes satisfied. Company is able to find out best talent from its workplace by implementing management development program.
8. Conclusion:
The main important elements of human resources development are employers and workers. Companies provide human resources development to motivate and inspire employees to give their full effort and increase performance. Various educational and training programs are provided to the employees to enhance skills and caliber. Those programs are varies according to the employees status and positions. Human resource development must be implemented in a systematic way and it will be performance based. The importance of human resource development is increasing day by day as unemployment is increasing. So every school must take some initiatives to introduce human resource development program in school among the student to increase their skills and knowledge about corporate world. There are few human resources development opportunities for non-regular employees. In order to enhance the motivation for working among non-regular employees and to make better use of their abilities, it is important to implement training needed for the job, as well as career development and treatment corresponding to the employee's attitude and types of employment.
1. Kelly D. (2006). Human Resource Development: For Enterprise and Human Development,
2. Haslinda Abdullah, Definition of HRD: key concept from a national and international context. (November 4, 2009), Retrieve on: 15/05/12, Available at:
3. Introduction to learning and development, Retrieve on: 15/05/12, Available at:
4. Robert C. Merchant Jr., The role of career development in improving organizational effectiveness and employee development, Retrieve on: 15/05/12, Available at:
5. Sreyoshee B. The main theories of travel motivation, (January 28, 2007), Retrieve on: 15/05/12, Available at:
6. Richard J. Torraco, Richard A. Swanson, The strategic roles of human resource development, 1995, Retrieve on: 15/05/12, Available at:
7. Handy, C. (1999): Understanding Organizations fourth edition; Penguin
8. Wikipedia website, Human resource management system, Last modified: 29/04/2012, Retrieve on: 15/05/12, Available at:
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